CLINICAL STUDIESBuilding the connection between personal genetics, nutrition and fitness.

BodySync maintains a focused research effort in several areas that complement the ongoing survey of published genetic literature, supporting studies designed to further document the clinical utility of its existing and new genetic assessments. These IRB clinical studies are conducted in coordination with major academic institutions and are designed to advance our understanding of the degree to which specific gene variations – and combinations of variations – may be used to match individuals to optimized nutrition and fitness programs. BodySync actively participates in industrial and academic research collaborations designed to build the clinical efficacy of its integrated assessment and solutions technology products. BodySync also has provided its technology and know-how to support a variety of clinical studies on the genetic connection to healthy nutrition and fitness.

Clinical Study Support
In addition to sponsoring its own clinical trials, BodySync's genetic assessment technology has been used in a number of groundbreaking independent clinical research studies, including a 2007 study entitled: "Improved Weight Management Using Genetic Information to Personalize a Calorie Controlled Diet”, (, conducted in coordination with The Dr Arkadianos Clinic, Messogion Av, Athens, Greece; Twin Research Unit, King's College London, UK; and the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece. BodySync DNA assessment technology was also used in a substantial study published in 2010, entitled: "A Multifactorial Analysis of Obesity as CVD Risk Factor: Use of Neural Network Based Methods in a Nutrigenetics Context", (, conducted with more than 2,300 subjects in coordination with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens; University of Bern, Medical School, ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research; and University Hospital – Inselspital – University of Bern, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition. (Please consult Creative Commons for lawful dissemination of research: BodySync is committed to retaining its leadership position in nutrigenetic and kinesiogenetic sciences with sustained investments in primary clinical and lab studies, ongoing in-depth review of secondary published studies, and continued provision of its technology to reputable scientific research organizations around the world.

BodySync's DNA technology has been used in a number of groundbreaking research studies.